Travelling Light

Getting the best from your smartphone.
Monday 10th August 2020
'Mystic Blue'
'Mystic Blue'

And to have the luxury of being able to process your files as you go, is something that twenty years ago was the stuff of science-fiction. I use a wonderful App called 'Snapseed' to add some character to my images, which I became familiar with four or five years ago. I have an iPhone and the image quality can be fighteningly good, although the native size is just a little over 8" x 10". However, it is possible to upsize the images and if your images have great content, nobody is going to quibble about a little fall off in quality.

As we get closer to Autumn we can expect a lot more atmosphereic sunrises and certainly some mist shrouded mornings. I will be running some Photography Workshops in the Savernake Forest, very soon. If you don't have a DSLR, panic not! My workshops are for anybody who just loves to shoot pictures. And who doesn't these days? If you don't have a DSLR, but you do shoot on your smartphone, come and join us and I can show you how to squeeze the best qulaity from your phone camera. 

The image on this blog was shot on an iPhone 6. I processed it in 'Snapseed' whilst I was in the forest and although it is not pinsharp, the atmosphere in the image wins out.


About the author

Nigel Hudson

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